This section provides a comprehensive guide for integrating Console Connect IO-D - Pricing API, it provides a detailed guideline on usage, response schema definition, and API behavior.
The following requirements must be met to perform the provided code samples.
), port ID (portId
), bandwidth (bandwidth
), duration value (durationValue
), duration unit (durationUnit
) and an optional discount code (discountCode
) as query parameters and responds with calculation details based on the payload configuration provided.If the request was successful, it will respond with a JSON object similar to this:
"id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"companies": [
"id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"name": "Demo",
"username": "demo",
// other properties...
// other properties...
Take note of your company id (companies[0].id
), and company username (companies[0].username
To list all ports owned by your company execute the following curl command:
curl -X GET`\
-H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>"
"results": [
"dcpCompanyId": null,
"speed": {
"value": 1000,
"name": "1000 Mbps"
"speedOverprovisioningFactor": 1,
"singleService": false,
"locationId": null,
"dataCenterFacilityId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"popId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"metroId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"serviceStatus": "OPEN",
"linkState": "UP",
"linkStateUpSince": null,
"linkStateSyncedAt": "2021-06-08T01:05:03.507Z",
"type": "NNI",
"isEdgePort": false,
"edgePayload": null,
"mediaType": "COPPER",
"partner": {
"type": "NONE",
"connectionSpeeds": []
"ip": {
"ipv4": null,
"ipv6": null
"capabilities": {
"model6Limit": false,
"model6LimitNumber": null,
"singleService": false
"activeChangedAt": "2021-06-08T01:05:33.694Z",
"firstActiveAt": "2021-06-08T01:05:03.706Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-01-24T02:08:29.005Z",
"createdAt": "2021-06-08T01:04:59.457Z",
"deleted": false,
"deletedAt": null,
"importedAt": null,
"importer": null,
"salesRecordId": "123456",
"paymentType": "plan",
"payg": null,
"onboarded": true,
"onboardedBy": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"onboardedAt": "2021-06-08T01:04:59.455Z",
"onboardedStatus": "COMPLETE",
"onboardedStatusDetail": null,
"onboardedDeviceName": "usw01.pop01.hkg39",
"onboardedInterfaceName": "GigabitEthernet0/0/11",
"onboardedAllocatedBandwidth": 10,
"billingId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"vlanRanges": [
"start": 1000,
"end": 1010
"iciLink": "A",
"reportingLabels": [
"Meeting place port"
"supportedServices": [
"cosTransparency": null,
"cosMapping": {
"GOLD": [
"BRONZE": []
"externalId": "port-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"ticketLink": null,
"crossConnectXcOwner": null,
"crossConnectFullDemarc": null,
"interconnectEnabled": null,
"interconnectProvider": null,
"interconnectOrderNumber": null,
"interconnectCircuitId": null,
"interconnectCompletedAt": null,
"interconnectVlanRange": null,
"interconnectNniPortName": null,
"localLoopEnabled": null,
"localLoopId": null,
"localLoopCustomerId": null,
"localLoopProviderName": null,
"localLoopSalesRecordId": null,
"localLoopBandwidth": null,
"localLoopCompletedAt": null,
"localLoopASideAddress": null,
"localLoopASideXConnectId": null,
"localLoopZSideAddress": null,
"localLoopGsmpId": null,
"id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"accessCircuit": {
"crossConnectMediaType": null
"companyId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"capacity": {
"total": 1000,
"utilised": 365,
"remaining": 635
"company": {
"officeAddress": null,
"system": {
"welcomeMessage": true
"company": {
"industry": null,
"companySize": null,
"dateFounded": null,
"clientId": null,
"first": null,
"last": null,
"address": null,
"city": null,
"state": null,
"zip": null,
"phone": null,
"fax": null,
"businessType": "Internet Exchange",
"website": "",
"registeredName": "updatedone2",
"addresses": [
"geo": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": []
"primary": true,
"registered": true,
"address": "2 Stuart Road",
"city": "Tegucigalpa",
"state": "hk",
"zip": "4000",
"country": "HN",
"email": null,
"phone": "01234567891"
"partnerType": null,
"isIoTDemoCompany": false
"cloudProviderDetails": {
"asn": {
"range": [
"cloudType": "vultr",
"companyType": "B2B",
"bgpAuthority": "PCCWGLOBAL"
"stats": {
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"followers": 0,
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"events": 0,
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"accountManagerId": null,
"createdAt": "2019-08-09T05:32:18.613Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-07-25T06:51:06.162Z",
"username": "qe1",
"deletedAt": null,
"deleted": false,
"verified": true,
"tags": [
"status": "ACTIVE",
"displayOrder": 0,
"external": [
"id": "15",
"type": "SDWAN",
"status": "UNSYNCED"
"groups": [],
"location": null,
"summary": "<p>Testing adding new image12</p>",
"headline": "wholesale",
"background": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"avatarId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"name": "SAMPLE NAME",
"type": "COMPANY",
"oldAvatarId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"verifiedIdentity": true,
"portsActive": 14,
"categories": [
"overviewImage": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"isCloudProvider": true,
"signedCompanyRefId": 4,
"signedCompanyVerified": true,
"billingAccount": "115475",
"businessRegistrationNumber": "123456",
"selectiveQinQTunnelProvider": [],
"companies": [],
"id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"online": false
"dataCenterFacility": {
"system": {
"welcomeMessage": null
"company": {
"privacy": {
"network": {
"mode": "PUBLIC",
"blackListIds": [],
"whiteListIds": []
"community": {
"mode": "PUBLIC",
"blackListIds": [],
"whiteListIds": []
"businessType": null,
"partnerType": null,
"companySize": null,
"dateFounded": null,
"registeredName": null,
"businessRegistrationCertReference": null,
"businessRegistrationCertUploadedAt": null,
"businessRegistrationCertRejectedReason": null,
"clientId": null,
"first": null,
"last": null,
"address": null,
"city": null,
"state": null,
"zip": null,
"phone": null,
"fax": null,
"addresses": [
"geo": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": []
"registered": false,
"address": "",
"city": "Hong Kong",
"state": "",
"zip": "zipcode",
"country": "HK",
"email": null,
"phone": null
"regionalInternetRegistry": [],
"businessRegistrationCertVerified": "UNVERIFIED",
"website": "",
"emailDomains": [],
"industry": "",
"businessDevelopmentManagerTypePreference": "UNSPECIFIED",
"isIoTDemoCompany": false
"dataCenterFacility": {
"airportCodes": [],
"speeds": [],
"metroId": "dataCenterFacility",
"ready": true,
"id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"nniReady": true,
"brandId": null,
"canBundleCrossConnect": false
"cloudProviderDetails": {
"asn": {
"range": []
"bgpAuthority": "PCCWGLOBAL",
"companyType": "DCP"
"stats": {
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"events": 0,
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"businessRegistrationNumber": null,
"signedCompanyRefId": null,
"accountManagerEmail": null,
"accountManagerId": null,
"createdAt": "2018-02-20T04:49:09.604Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-07-10T04:22:15.894Z",
"username": "hkg05",
"deletedAt": null,
"deleted": false,
"verified": true,
"tags": [
"status": "ACTIVE",
"displayOrder": -299,
"groups": [],
"location": null,
"summary": "",
"headline": null,
"background": null,
"avatarId": null,
"name": "hkg39-Asia-HK-APAC",
"popIds": [
"costbookLocationId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"costbookLocation": {
"name": "ASIA 1",
"id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"deletedAt": null,
"createdAt": "2019-05-21T04:09:32.819Z",
"updatedAt": "2019-11-05T01:31:28.426Z",
"tags": [
"gatewayIds": [],
"regionIds": [
"regions": [
"name": "APAC",
"id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"deletedAt": null,
"createdAt": "2017-12-18T00:26:28.610Z",
"updatedAt": "2018-09-11T04:15:10.124Z",
"deleted": false,
"priceMultiplier": 1,
"insightRegion": "Asia"
"gateways": []
"verifiedIdentity": false,
"provider": [
"destinationPortOnly": false,
"categories": [],
"nnis": null,
"isCloudProvider": false,
"l3CostbookLocationId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"bundleCrossConnectChargeId": null,
"signedCompanyVerified": false,
"selectiveQinQTunnelProvider": [],
"companies": [],
"id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"online": false
"connections": [
"id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"name": "SAMPLE NAME",
"status": "ERROR",
"speed": 10,
"type": "LAYER2",
"srcConfigTag": null,
"typeFriendly": "IBM Direct Link"
"id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"name": "SAMPLE NAME2",
"status": "ERROR",
"speed": 10,
"type": "LAYER2",
"srcConfigTag": null,
"typeFriendly": "IBM Direct Link"
"metro": {
"name": "Hong Kong",
"code": "HKG",
"country": "hk",
"rir": "APNIC",
"regionIds": [
"id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"deletedAt": null,
"createdAt": "2017-12-18T00:45:44.120Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-02-25T05:02:47.267Z",
"logo": null,
"description": "a",
"ready": true,
"canCreateController": false,
"deleted": false,
"tags": []
Take note of your port ID (Sample:results[0].id
- Your company ID.portId
- Your port ID.bandwidth
- The desired bandwidth or rate limit (in Mbps) for the IO-D service.durationValue
- The desired duration valuedurationUnit
- The duration unitInfo
Enum values: day (d
), week (w
), month (m
), year (y
Maximum duration value by units: days:6
| weeks:3
| months:36
| years:3
Sample IO-D Pricing - Company and Port API execution configured with duration ofless
than a month::
curl -X GET ""`\
-H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>>"
Notice thedurationValue
which is equivalent to 6 days. Response may vary based on the configured duration (more
than orless
than a month). See Common Response Definition for more details. See sample response for the pricing details below:
"onceOff": {
"giaCost": 73.97,
"ipCosts": {
"ipv426Cost": 34.52,
"ipv427Cost": 24.66,
"ipv428Cost": 0,
"ipv429Cost": null,
"ipv430Cost": null
"burstRate": 0.004050035038912062,
"duration": {
"unit": "d",
"value": 6
This service calculates IO-D service charge rate by a specific DCF, it accepts DCF ID (dcfId
), bandwidth (bandwidth
), duration value (durationValue
), duration unit (durationUnit
) and an optional discount code (discountCode
) and company ID (companyId
) as query parameters and responds with calculation details based on the configuration provided.
This endpoint provides DCF filtering capability and it returns a list of Data Center Facilities (DCF) details.
Below is a sample curl command that accepts (optional
) criteria, page & page size query parameters.
curl -X GET "{}&page=1&pageSize=10"`\
-H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>"
"company": {
"privacy": {
"network": {
"mode": "PUBLIC",
"blackListIds": [],
"whiteListIds": []
"community": {
"mode": "PUBLIC",
"blackListIds": [],
"whiteListIds": []
"addresses": [
"registered": false,
"address": "",
"city": "Hong Kong",
"state": "",
"zip": "zipcode",
"country": "HK",
"email": null,
"phone": null,
"geo": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": []
"parentIds": [],
"regionalInternetRegistry": [],
"businessRegistrationCertVerified": "UNVERIFIED",
"website": "",
"emailDomains": [],
"industry": "",
"businessDevelopmentManagerTypePreference": "UNSPECIFIED",
"isIoTDemoCompany": false
"name": "SAMPLE-DCF-NAME",
"tags": [
"dataCenterFacility": {
"airportCodes": [],
"speeds": [],
"metroId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"ready": true,
"id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"nniReady": true,
"brandId": null,
"canBundleCrossConnect": false
"stats": {
"members": 0,
"interconnections": 0,
"followers": 5,
"following": 0,
"privateArticles": 0,
"privateEvents": 0,
"privatePosts": 0,
"articles": 0,
"events": 0,
"posts": 0
"provider": [
"selectiveQinQTunnelProvider": [],
"externalId": null,
"destinationPortOnly": false,
"verified": true,
"nnis": null,
"id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"bundleCrossConnectChargeId": null,
"deletedAt": null,
"createdAt": "2018-02-20T04:49:09.604Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-07-10T04:22:15.894Z",
"products": [
"id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"companyId": null,
"dataCenterFacilityId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"slug": null,
"status": "PUBLISHED",
"transactionType": "ENQUIRE",
"productType": "Data centers",
"promoted": true,
"name": "Sample Product Name",
"headline": "Sample Headline",
"description": "Demo description",
"logo": null,
"overviewImage": null,
"background": null,
"categories": [
"Data Center"
"tags": null,
"promoTitle": "Sample Title",
"promoHeadline": "Sample Headline",
"callToActionLabel": "Order rack",
"callToActionLink": null,
"vendorUrl": null,
"hubspotFormId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"productFamilyId": null,
"isAddon": false,
"productCode": null,
"created_at": "2021-02-16T04:18:06.026Z",
"updated_at": "2021-05-19T06:43:38.193Z"
"isFollowing": false
Take note of DCF company username ([0].username
) and DCF ID ([0].id
The user ID, company ID, and company username is obtained upon execution of API GET /api/auth/token. This provides information to the currently authenticated user
curl -X GET\
-H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>"
If the request was successful, it will respond with a JSON object similar to this:
"id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"companies": [
"id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"name": "Demo",
"username": "demo",
// other properties...
// other properties...
Take note of your company id (companies[0].id
- Data Center Facility (DCF) ID.bandwidth
- The desired bandwidth or rate limit (in Mbps) for the IO-D service.durationValue
- The desired duration value.durationUnit
- The duration unit.Info
Enum values: day (d
), week (w
), month (m
), year (y
Maximum duration value by units: days:6
| weeks:3
| months:36
| years:3
Sample IO-D Pricing - By DCF API execution configured with duration of more
than a month:
curl -X GET ""`\
-H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>"
Notice thedurationValue
which is equivalent to 2 years. Response may vary based on the configured duration (more
than orless
than a month). See Common Response Definition for more details. See sample response for the pricing details below:
"contractTotals": {
"giaCost": 3420,
"ipCosts": {
"ipv426Cost": 1596,
"ipv427Cost": 1140,
"ipv428Cost": 0,
"ipv429Cost": null,
"ipv430Cost": null
"unitCosts": {
"giaCost": 142.5,
"ipCosts": {
"ipv426Cost": 66.5,
"ipv427Cost": 47.5,
"ipv428Cost": 0,
"ipv429Cost": null,
"ipv430Cost": null
"contractTotalsAmountSaved": null,
"unitCostsAmountSaved": null,
"burstRate": 0.04681165489,
"duration": {
"unit": "y",
"value": 2
This endpoint accepts DCF ID (dcfId
) and price requests (priceRequests
) as query parameters and responds with an array of price calculation details associated with the price requests (priceRequests
) configuration provided in the API request.
This endpoint provides DCF filtering capability and it returns a list of Data Center Facilities (DCF) details.
Below is a sample curl command that accepts (optional
) criteria, page & page size query parameters.
curl -X GET "{}&page=1&pageSize=10"`\
-H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>"
"company": {
"privacy": {
"network": {
"mode": "PUBLIC",
"blackListIds": [],
"whiteListIds": []
"community": {
"mode": "PUBLIC",
"blackListIds": [],
"whiteListIds": []
"addresses": [
"registered": false,
"address": "",
"city": "Hong Kong",
"state": "",
"zip": "zipcode",
"country": "HK",
"email": null,
"phone": null,
"geo": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": []
"parentIds": [],
"regionalInternetRegistry": [],
"businessRegistrationCertVerified": "UNVERIFIED",
"website": "",
"emailDomains": [],
"industry": "",
"businessDevelopmentManagerTypePreference": "UNSPECIFIED",
"isIoTDemoCompany": false
"name": "SAMPLE-DCF-NAME",
"tags": [
"dataCenterFacility": {
"airportCodes": [],
"speeds": [],
"metroId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"ready": true,
"id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"nniReady": true,
"brandId": null,
"canBundleCrossConnect": false
"stats": {
"members": 0,
"interconnections": 0,
"followers": 5,
"following": 0,
"privateArticles": 0,
"privateEvents": 0,
"privatePosts": 0,
"articles": 0,
"events": 0,
"posts": 0
"provider": [
"selectiveQinQTunnelProvider": [],
"externalId": null,
"destinationPortOnly": false,
"verified": true,
"nnis": null,
"id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"bundleCrossConnectChargeId": null,
"deletedAt": null,
"createdAt": "2018-02-20T04:49:09.604Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-07-10T04:22:15.894Z",
"products": [
"id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"companyId": null,
"dataCenterFacilityId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"slug": null,
"status": "PUBLISHED",
"transactionType": "ENQUIRE",
"productType": "Data centers",
"promoted": true,
"name": "Sample Product Name",
"headline": "Sample Headline",
"description": "Demo description",
"logo": null,
"overviewImage": null,
"background": null,
"categories": [
"Data Center"
"tags": null,
"promoTitle": "Sample Title",
"promoHeadline": "Sample Headline",
"callToActionLabel": "Order rack",
"callToActionLink": null,
"vendorUrl": null,
"hubspotFormId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"productFamilyId": null,
"isAddon": false,
"productCode": null,
"created_at": "2021-02-16T04:18:06.026Z",
"updated_at": "2021-05-19T06:43:38.193Z"
"isFollowing": false
Take note of DCF ID ([0].id
DCF ID dcfId
- Your data center facility (DCF) of choice ID.
Price Requests priceRequests
- A collection of different IO-D service configuration (bandwidth and duration) you desire to configure your IO-D service with.
Price Requests item's attributes/fields:
Bandwidth bandwidth
- The desired bandwidth or rate limit (in Mbps) for the IO-D service.
Duration value durationValue
- The desired duration value
Duration unit durationUnit
- The duration unit
`durationUnit` Enum values: day (`d`), week (`w`), month (`m`), year (`y`)
Maximum duration value by units: days:6
| weeks:3
| months:36
| years:3
See below sample curl command, which passes 2 IO-D configuration items in price requests (priceRequests
) query parameter:
Index 0
- Configured with service duration of more than a month.Index 1
- Configured with service duration of less than a month.
curl -X GET "[{"bandwidth":10,"durationValue":24,"durationUnit":"m"},{"bandwidth":10,"durationValue":6,"durationUnit":"d"}]"`\
-H "Authorization: Bearer
> **Note** <BR> Notice the value of priceRequests, `index 0`'s duration value and unit is equivalent to 24 months / 2 years where as `index 1`'s duration value and unit is equivalent to 6 days. <BR><BR> The expected response for this API Service is an array of price calculation details - each price calculation item corellates with each of the item provided in the **price requests** (`priceRequests`) query parameter for the specified **DCF ID** (`dcfId`). See **[Common Response Definition](Pricing-Internet-On-Demand#section/IV.-Common-Response-Definition)** for more details.
<summary>See sample response for the pricing details below.</summary>
{ // Recurring - with duration of more than a month
"contractTotals": {
"giaCost": 3420,
"ipCosts": {
"ipv426Cost": 1596,
"ipv427Cost": 1140,
"ipv428Cost": 0,
"ipv429Cost": null,
"ipv430Cost": null
"unitCosts": {
"giaCost": 142.5,
"ipCosts": {
"ipv426Cost": 66.5,
"ipv427Cost": 47.5,
"ipv428Cost": 0,
"ipv429Cost": null,
"ipv430Cost": null
"contractTotalsAmountSaved": null,
"unitCostsAmountSaved": null,
"burstRate": 0.04681165489,
"duration": {
"unit": "m",
"value": 24
{ // OnceOff - with duration of less than a month
"onceOff": {
"giaCost": 73.97,
"ipCosts": {
"ipv426Cost": 34.52,
"ipv427Cost": 24.66,
"ipv428Cost": 0,
"ipv429Cost": null,
"ipv430Cost": null
"burstRate": 0.004050035038912062,
"duration": {
"unit": "d",
"value": 6
IO-D Pricing By DCF API
, IO-D Pricing By Company & Ports API
and IO-D Pricing By DCF (Bulk) API
share similar response structure (Recurring Response or OnceOff Response) that may vary depending on the provided duration (less than or more than a month).
Applicable charges for the service configured with duration of more
than a month. See sample response above index 0
- The full duration of service charge rates.
- The full duration of service charge rate
- The IP Block selection/option - each option equivalent to full duration of service charge rate, chargeable on top of giaCost
- Equivalent to monthly service charge rates.
- The monthly service charge rate.
- The IP Block selection/option - each option equivalent to monthly service charge rate, chargeable monthly on top of giaCost
- The full duration computed saved amount.
- Computed monthly saved amount.
- Burst rate/Mbps charge rate.
- Configured duration of service.
- The configured duration value for the service.
- The configured duration unit for the service. Enum:
days (d
), weeks (w
), months (m
), years (y
Depending on your IP Block of choice, charges may apply on top ofgiaCost
. See[0].contractTotals.ipCost
in the response sample above for the price details.
values in both[0].contractTotals.ipCost
is equivalent to unavailable and0
is equivalent to free of charge.
Applicable charges for the service configured with duration of less
than a month. See sample response above index 1
- The full duration of service charge rate and IP Block options charge rate.
- The full duration of service charge rate
- The IP Block selection/option - each option equivalent to full duration of service charge rate, chargeable on top of giaCost
- Burst rate/Mbps charge rate.
- Configured duration of service.
- The configured duration value for the service.
- The configured duration unit for the service in day(s) (d
) or in week(s) (w