Manage Layer 2 IBM Cloud Direct Link Connections.
Use the generic connection Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) routes for searching, updating and deleting Layer 2 IBM Cloud Direct Link connections.
Your company has been verified on the Console Connect platform.
The authenticated user account has Network Admin permissions.
The source port is ACTIVE and has enough available capacity to support the new connection.
You are requesting paymentType "plan" (invoice not supported yet), and have sufficient entitlements on your plan to support the connection.
Bad Request
{- "duration": 6,
- "durationUnit": "d",
- "paymentType": "plan",
- "partnerAccountId": "62f317aea1562f317aea1c3",
- "srcPortId": "10274392jd91023j0",
- "destPortId": "IBM_PORT_ID",
- "speed": 50,
- "name": "my connection"
{- "results": {
- "connectionProvisioningId": "fd64aa97",
- "connection": {
- "id": "5e4cb41e8c47508c84bdb7af",
- "srcCompanyId": "5e4cb418ab1dbe8c8476163b"
Using this endpoint will
Delete your connection between the Console Connect plaftorm and IBM Cloud
Request the deletion of the IBM Direct Link on your behalf
Remember to approve the deletion request in your IBM Cloud Dashboard to avoid extra billing charges.
Bad Request